If a person knows anything about engines it would give you a clue as to how often you need to change oil.
Generator? Change it every few years. Low hours.
Mowers, once a year, should do twice probably but they'll last me 20 years and they're already 20-30 years old.
Boat once a year becasue it's relatively low hours, but it's really expensive. Doesn't mean I need to change it every 20 hours. 20 or 100 hours a year, it gets 1 oil change in the fall.
Vehicles, generally at the reccomended oil change intervals. Reference post above.
Snow bike, every ride, every time becasue I beat it like a rented mule and the oil is contaminated and shot after 4 hours.
Some personal preference, sure. But again, who cares. This is literally the first time posting this. Don't need the moral support or public acceptance. And you shouldn't either....so all stop pretending your method is the BEST and others should follow your lead. Don't understand the pride in oil changes !