larry cad wrote:
Allworth wrote:
Neither of the campgrounds mentioned are in the City of Orlando.
Neither of the campgrounds mentioned are in Orange County.
Neither of the campgrounds mentioned are within any Urban Service Area.
Why are you tarring Orlando with somebody else's brush?
Probably because the campground calls itself "ORLANDO Thousand Trails". Beyond that, I am ignorant of where, exactly, the water comes from. Does the town of Clermont have it's own water treatment plant? Does the area known as Four Corners have it's own water treatment plant? I really don't know the answer. My question was really to discover if anyone else was experiencing this problem and I have spoken with several people at this campground and within this municipal area who agree. Beyond that, I really don't care.
For the gentleman who suggested it might be my hose, I doubt that because as recently as January I was using the same hose in Texas with no problem. Only since I move to an area "NEAR" to Orlando have I experienced this. Also, friends who are renting a house, without a hose, are experiencing similar symptoms.
I'm not sure what the present interpretation is of an "Urban Service Area", but Thousand Trails is located smack-dab in the middle of a very populated area and right next to a Publix Supermarket (as well as other shopping areas), so I can pretty easily say that it is on a public water supply system (serviced by a treatment plant, probably City of Clermont).
A quick Google Maps review would show that they do appear to have their own private onsite wastewater treatment system (though it may be decommissioned), but there does not appear to be any onsite water production, storage, or treatment system.
So if there were a contaminant, it looks like about 20,000 other people would also be experiencing the same problem.