Javi1 wrote:
Not sure how it is selfish to pay for something, must be from another generation or another planet.
Not sure how it is unselfish to pay for something that you don't intend to use, that others could use and really want to use, just so you can have a couple of "prime days in a prime site". Its all about courtesy and respect. At least that's how it is on my planet and in my generation.
rockhillmanor wrote:
Interesting that all seem to think they 'know' why a paid for site is not occupied. And they 'know' it has to be a inconsiderate person.:R
Last year one of the seasonal's spouse died. Yup their site was empty for the whole season. Should she give up her paid site to you because she had a death in her family?
The site next to me in regular paid camping was empty for 4 weeks because the DH had a stroke during their stay and the DW and family were now parked in their RV in the HOSPITAL parking lot to be close to him praying for him to live.
Just saying don't broad stroke it cause you don't know. When it comes to a prepaid site and others calling an RV'er inconsiderate for not occupying it 24 hours is just plain ludicrous and again you do NOT know the circumstances. I could have pulled in the night before and left in the early morning to go sight seeing. And yup I'd be pissed to come back and find anyone's truck in my CG site because some finger pointer thought it was empty and felt it was their 'right' to use it. :R
Calm down. for one, I don't think we're talking about privately run CGs. At least I'm not. Most private CGs have plenty of available sites so who cares is someone pays for a week and doesn't use it. And while some have seasonal wait lists, most don't. And no one in the thread said anything about a site being unoccupied during the day because you went sight seeing. Everyone with motor homes does that all the time.
Yea, things happen. I get it, so do most campground owners and rangers for the public CGs. That's why we have phones and the CG has a phone. But until WI DNR changed the occupancy rules, we'd see fully 25-50% of the electric sites unused for days or a week, even though the office said all electric sites were full. Did all those people REALLY have extenuating circumstances? Really? Not likely.