This is why the best policy is a reservation deposit, rather than site payment. You make a reservation, don't show up on the appointed day, deposit is forfeited and the site is available to rent to the next guest. Years ago we had to amend that practice to include a similar fee for shortening your stay. Seems people were fine with reserving a block of days and then leaving whenever they decided they had enjoyed themselves enough. We instituted an early departure fee equal to the site deposit fee, we disclose it up front, and now we don't have people cancelling out the last 3 days of a 10 day reservation. Now we are able to run close to full occupancy, don't have a problem with sites coming available at the last minute, aren't processing a bunch of refunds and don't have to turn away business because we are booked and then people who have sites reserved cancel out leaving us with empty sites and the people who really wanted to come, out of luck as well.