Forum Discussion

down_home's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 12, 2013


Up again late. Took Hydrocodone, muscle relaxer and antidepressant for leg and back pain. Can't sleep at all.
And then... Something I would ask your prayers for.
My Son In Law has probably suffered a stroke and he waited too long for them to find it. He has if I understand it right Horners Syndrome. Right eye droops and pupil is shrunken and headaches and unable to drive. So he lost his job as a Supervisor Ground Fault Locator. Can't get unemployment and no disabilty. They will give them 15.00 in food stamps. Daughter loses her job on the 20th. Licensced Pharmacy Technician. Few jobs available but she is applying for everything there is on line. Huge medical bills and end of month no coverage and they haven't found out the ultimate cause for sure nor how to fix it. He will probably never work again.
She is about to crash from the stress of s many fights to survive. Her unemployment will only be a few hundred dollars a month.
We have been subsidizing them for a few months at over 2,000.00 a month. Next month it will take over 4,000.00. We simply caan't keep it up.
Bankruptcy and they will lose their home, car, furniture and everything escept the clothes on their back. They will be on the street. Naturally we will spend whatever we have to bring them home but there are no jobs here and getting far fewer everywhere else. All that is being offered is part time and call you to come in for a few hours or not and no benefits and low low pay.
The need a miracle. These Kids have had it rough all their life and fought back time and again but this time is crash and burn.
Please please pray for them. They live in Red Rock, Arizona.
Any suggestions who they might turn too for any aid is appreciated. There doesn't seem to be anything available unless you are an Illegal Alien. They get SS and welfare aid and medical coverage off the bat or so I understand.