MFL wrote:
Needs more ethanol in it. Many brands will slush/thicken, but not supposed to expand. If your 1.99 brand fails, breaks water lines/fittings, be sure to post brand. :)
There are two types of pink RV antifreeze for winterizing your water lines. One is ethylene glycol which has ethyl alcohol and the other is propylene glycol which is alcohol free and the safer of the two for drinking water systems.
They never said which antifreeze they were using but they definitely shouldn't be adding ethanol alcohol to propylene glycol because it can change the properties and probably the freezing point rendering it ineffective.
Also care should be taken on the type of alcohol. Methanol is extremely toxic to humans if ingested or if vapors are inhaled. Ingestion of as little as one to four ounces can cause irreversible injury to the nervous system, blindness or even death. Methanol can cause poisoning, systemic acidosis, optic nerve damage and central nervous system (CNS) effects.