Lantley wrote:
jrstout89 wrote:
Dosen't anyone use charcoal anymore? Weber Kettle for me. Charcoal takes about 20 minutes in the chimney, not much longer then preheating the gasser.
I agree charcoal taste better. However it is simply not as convenient.
A gas grill does not take 20 minutes to heat up. For most of a gassers it's all about the convenience vs. charcoal
Agreed. As I noted before, we still bring with us both a charcoal grill as well as a gas grill. Every once in a while, when its just us and we have plenty of time, we will use the charcoal grill. Food tastes better when its cooked that way, no doubt about that. And, after supper, you can dump whats left of the hot charcoal in the fireplace, to get a good fire going. :)
Frequently, though, we just don't have the time or patience to deal with getting the charcoal going. Its the convenience thing, like Lantley said. Especially if we're camping with a group of friends or family (that uses gas grills). Its not fun when everyone else around you is eating, and you're still waiting for the charcoal to get hot enough to cook, haha (been there, done that). In those cases, we just get out the gas grill, light it and be cooking in minutes.