I have been wanting to get one of those that is always on sale at WALMART ($60-$70)...
Never had one before for camping so I am curious how they work out. We always have water with us so that is not a problem...
Even if I got a small bucket of ice would do us just great. I see it doesn't take very long to make ice so should not be a big battery drain using a power inverter...
We load down our COLEMAN 5-day extreme ICE CHEST for the trips which is alot of ice and sit a small see through container with lid ofr our food items we don't want to get water logged... Have lots of room for things keeping them cold...
Roy's image
We live out of the back of the truck with the ice. Stays in the truck bed under the hard bed cover... We most often last about three days before making a run back into town for soft drinks and food etc and more ice...
The small fridge is only good for soft drinks and lunch meat - snacks etc hehe...
Roy Ken