Normally I would say Chris is correct and let it go at that, however, in this case I wonder how a 12 vdc input would power a TV through that black box and how it would shut it off when the ignition switch is turned on.
I see a fused 12vdc input and a 120vac outlet and think, wow an inverter.
Switches don't normally need ventilation and they need input and output. The black box is ventilated, there is no 120vac in to be switched just the output.
I am not arguing the laws regarding turning off the TV so the driver can't see it, and there may be an interlock some where else but that black box doesn't look like that is what is used to turn the TV off.
In looking at the picture again, I'll bet it is just the opposite of a devise to turn the TV off. I'll bet the outlet is the original power source and is connected to the interlock and the inverter is not connected and will stay on all the time. couple of checks with a DMM/VOM will answer the question.
I have a similar situation in my bounder, the TV could be run from the landline/generator or through an inverter, the TV was plugged in to the inverter, when 120VAC was available the 120 was run through the inverter and when on batteries were used, the 120 was switched off by a relay in the inverter and 12vdc was inverted to 120vac.
More details are available if you want them including the schematic of the power for the TV. I don't have a scanner here in the campground but I will be home next week and can send then.