I'd wager to say that "most " people go camping to get away from work and "relax" with "their" family or loved ones. I know I don't go camping to entertain, teach, or babysit someone else's kid. And I certainly don't want them around my RV or vehicle while in the process of lifting, leveling, moving, and disconnecting tons of mass. Many things can go wrong. Murphy's law. Especially being distracted by the child's intrusion. Yet some here choose to make fun of the OP not being able to attend to the child's needs at that moment. BS, that's all I have to say about that.
It would be a whole other story here if the OP would have had a mishap and hurt or killed the child and posted here what happened. I'd say many of those who lambast this guy would put the blame on him and not the parents where the child's well being and responsibility lie. End result the OP would be in financial ruins for the rest of his life.
The OP has every right to camp where he wishes. I'd bet he could care less if you didn't want to be camping next to him as some of you are probably the type that believe everyone in society should share the chore of watching your kids and listening to what they have to say. It's your job, nobody else's.
I'd welcome the OP or anyone like him next to my campsite anytime. He seems to have his head screwed on straight.