Tvov wrote:
Once or twice I've had to be a bit more direct, telling them to come back at another time when the situation required it. Anyways, good camping and see you on the road!
this is what people should be doing. Just SPEAK with the child. say right now is not a good time for us and just give the old generic line of 'we will see ya later in the cg somewhere'. Just communicating what you desire is what is needed. Not to 'quietly just start seething ' and ignoring the situation to the point of having to come to the forum and type all about it :). Why don't people just talk to each anymore? I did what you had to do. I had to tell some kids to leave for a while, whether we were sitting down to dinner, getting ready to leave the cg to sightsee, etc. All it takes is a little communication to handle any situation :)