In a state park around the 4th of July, 1 camper reported seeing a flare on the river. Most likely it was a roman candle firework. That brought out the divers and other rescue personnel. Nothing was ever found but it sure brought out a lot of people late at night.
I had an interesting interaction in a National Forest back in 2013. Camper A claimed that Camper B had 'stolen' 1 of their leveling blocks. A claimed that they had put the block of wood under the hitch to level their trailer.
B claimed that the block was left on the edge between the 2 adjoining campsites.
We've all seen things like bricks and wood blocks left in campsites. A was adamant that they had the block under the trailer. B offered to give it back but didn't want to be seen as a thief.
I think A may have been mistaken seeing how it's a pretty bold move to go in and take 1 block of wood while it's being used.
That same summer I had a couple with a rescue dog in their campsite. They crated the dog when they left to go on their boat. The wife told me the dog would calm down once their truck left since the engine was what had the dog all spun up and yapping. After they pulled away the dog cried all afternoon until they got back later in the evening.
There are always going to be people that make hosting a challenge. Thankfully there are lots of enjoyable people out there that make it worth it.