Anmacc2 wrote:
What advice would you like to share to help us do that? We have about $4000 a month in take home income without touching any assets, pensions, or 403bs. Thanks!
It's treble after you retire. You no longer get weekends off.
Everybody is different. There is a lot of what I call "retirement failure". For me I can no longer work overtime to get something. What ever you have, that's it. You should make it very hard to become separated from your $$$ that you worked all this time for.
Some little things we did...
We ran our entire $$$ situation past a tax guy, so that we know we are paying the very least we can. Found out a rental needed too be sold. Big difference of w-2 verses 1099 and what to be invested in for us. Had to do a couple "change of custodian" in 403's and 401's. Found out fees were pretty high at ex-employers plan compared to big name stock broker. Wife had various 403's and other stuff that we never dealt with before. Collected them into one pile from different employers over the years. Because retired, no longer qualify for matching stock. We're long term planners. Biggest problem we had was figuring out how to budget in vehicle replacement for upcoming years. We used to pay property taxes with our house payment. Now paid off and it about kills me to write a check to the county in the thousands. But it sure makes me smile when I'm driving in HOV lane during rush hour and not going to work.
Medical...seems to be a nightmare for some. Especially if you're planning on what state to call home. As in income taxes and whatever medical they have.
Get the "Old geezer" pass, will pay for itself quick. I think age 62 is when you can get one?