OP - I have no idea if you are looking for financial advice or what. But let me put it like this. I have enough investments right now to withdraw $48K a year, with yearly increases tied to the rate of inflation, with a 95% chance that my money will last at least 40 years. It is done via a computer model, that uses a variety of inputs and runs what is called a Monte Carlo simulation to determine predictable outcomes based upon the inputs. Change inputs, rerun the model, until you find inputs and outputs that work for you.
The thing is, I know how much income I want to start at (and I ain't going to try to live on $48K per year), what investment mix I need to attain it, the number of years it will take to get there, and how to make it last 40 years (which is how long I expect to need it to last). When I get to my golden years, I know that they will be golden.
The point of all this being, no one here can provide you a reliable answer. You have to provide that for yourself. I have my answer, but it didn't come from an internet forum. It came from reliable sources using real information. I hope this isn't the place you are looking for your reliable answer.
Now if you are looking for interesting places to visit in your golden years, have at it.