Francesca Knowles wrote:
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
mnm#2 wrote:
I have been checked in my pick-up truck at the toll gate on the Pa Turnpike by the Department of Revenue,they do ask to check if you refuse it is a automatic $1000 dollar fine
Link please. (About the automatic $1,000 fine.) (And I'm talking non-commercial not commercial)
They can ask all they want but they will need a warrant to get my cap off even thought I have never used red in my diesel.
See section 9019 at this State of Pennsylvania link
Here quoting therefrom:
Pennslvania wrote:
(g) Enforcement.--
(1) Any revenue enforcement agent or other person authorized by the department may enter any place where fuels are produced or stored and may physically inspect any tank, reservoir or other container that can be used for the production, storage or transportation of diesel fuel, diesel fuel dyes or diesel fuel markers. Inspection may also be made of any equipment used for or in connection with the production, storage or transportation of diesel fuel, diesel fuel dyes or diesel fuel markers. This includes any equipment used for the dyeing or marking of diesel fuel. Books, records and other documents may be inspected to determine tax liability. An agent may detain a vehicle, vessel or railroad tank car placed on a customer's siding for use or storage for the purpose of inspecting fuel tanks or fuel storage tanks as necessary to determine the amount and composition of the fuel. An agent may take and remove samples of diesel fuel in reasonable quantities necessary to determine the composition of the fuel.
(2) A person that refuses to allow an inspection as provided in this subsection commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,000 for each refusal.
(And I'm talking non-commercial not commercial)
"§ 9019. Diesel fuel importers and transporters; prohibiting use of dyed diesel fuel on highways; violations and penalties."
9019 states who they are enforcing this upon. Then it goes to subsections.