Turtle n Peeps wrote:
mnm#2 wrote:
I have been checked in my pick-up truck at the toll gate on the Pa Turnpike by the Department of Revenue,they do ask to check if you refuse it is a automatic $1000 dollar fine
Link please. (About the automatic $1,000 fine.) (And I'm talking non-commercial not commercial)
They can ask all they want but they will need a warrant to get my cap off even thought I have never used red in my diesel.
I don't know about CA in particular but in every jurisdiction I've ever come across, the plates on a vehicle are the property of the State or Province that issued them.
The police here have started conducting safety blitz's on the major holidays along the major highways. Any vehicle at all can be pulled over, usually into a parking lot, for a detailed mechanical inspection. RV's, utility trailers and pickups or vans more than a few years old are top of the list.
I was in one when a fella a few over started fussing when they asked him to pop his hood and had a drain tray in hand. He questioned. They said "fuel check". They open the water separator and take a sample. He refused, loudly.
The nice man in the coveralls merely said "Are you absolutely sure?" The man said yes.
The nice man in the coveralls produced a crowbar and proceeded to remove the plates from both the truck and trailer while the shocked owner stood there with his mouth hanging open.
The nice man told the owner when he could produce a safety certificate, including fuel sample from an accredited laboratory he could apply for new plates.
The now irate owner asked how he was supposed to get himself and vehicles home.
The nice man told him it was a free country, he could chose any way he liked, except driving them.