HouseApe wrote:
Well to update this I’m having an issue with my cam arms. They are not square to the frame and only have a ware pattern on the inside edge of the cam and the spring bar. After about 2000 miles the spring bar still has paint on the outside 1/2 edge of the V.
So it appears my initial concern was valid. I forgot to get some pictures.
This the 17K Reese Titan straight line and my actual tongue tongue weight is1680 lbs.
I have several of the Reese DC hitches and have used them since 2003. The camper in my sig is also on a 17K system as I have 1,600# of loaded TW.
I'm still using the same cam arms since 2003, just the bars and head have changed from trailer to trailer.
I saw the same issue with the cam lobe not being square to the WD bar V notch and it would create the uneven wear you are seeing. And this was on the older HP DC of the 2003 vintage when the cam was machined true round and still made in the US.
What I found is you "need to" mark the left bar and the right bar so they "always" go on the same side as you set the cam adjustment too. The WD bars are forged and the V's are not machined. There are too many parts in the system not made accurate enough starting with the trailer A frame to ever have a true even wear in from new.
However, if you dial the DC spot on, it can be centered to allow the WD V notch to be centered on a new non perfect round cast steel cam. Use a flashlight to look for daylight on the front and back. It will be resting on the high spot. In time the cam will wear to be a perfect match to the WD bar V. Then over time, you have a true matched set but only if you always put the same WD bar on the same side. If not the wear pattern will start all over again. And there are no 2 WD bars the same exact length anyway.
See here when I was using 1,200# bars on the same cams. This is with 20K miles on the cams at this point.

The WD bars

As to your issue with the riv nuts, I really do not like them on a hitch this strong. Fortunately, I have 6" channel iron frame and I can through bolt the cam arms and the snap up brackets on. I had to shim out the cam arm due to the square corner on the channel iron, but the older Reese instructions even mentioned to do that. If your on a tube frame, I myself would create a through bolt (size to size on the bolt) setup and use a large washer plate on the tube inside.
On the out of square DC frame bracket, yes I have seen that too. It stinks from bad manufacturing. To try and use it, make sure one side has full contact to the bottom of the frame. Ideally the outside frame side. The other side will have air to the frame, but the one tight side will help with the loading. The cam arm will most likely flex the bracket flat to the bottom with a 1,600# WD bar load. This is most likely why Reese allows the +/- 2 degs.
Hope this helps