I forgot to mention one tip since a WD hitch is new to you.
Your have 1,700# WD bars, these are beasts and as such you have to hitch and unhitch in this manner or you may get hurt with the piping flying out of the snap up on you.
Get yourself a 6" block of wood to go under the tongue jack and carry it with the camper all the time.
To hitch up:
1. Start with 6" wood block under tongue jack.
2. Jack up camper enough to allow ball to be backed under.
3. Hitch up and lock/close the ball coupler. Must lock/close the coupler
4. With the ball coupler locked/closed, jack up the back of the truck and the camper. Yes jack them both way up. Don't worry the truck is not coming off the ground. Need to go up a good 4 to 6" maybe more
5. Then put the WD bars on. Hook up the chains to the snap up's on the 7 links like I stated earlier.
6. IF the pipe has to be used to pullup hard, STOP, and jack up the truck and camper more.
7. Then try again. If you jack high enough you can flip up by hand and pin in place.
8. Then let the jack down and it loads up the spring bars nice and safe.
You really do not want to snap up with the pipe and even attempt to pull up a lot of load. If that pipe fly's out of your hand, it will hurt. Even using the above method always stand to the side of the pipe.
1A. To unhitch, do the same process of jacking up up the truck and camper to unload the WD bars.
2A. Tap the chains before ever undoing the snap up clip. If they are still banjo tight, jack up some more.
3A. USE the pipe to undo the snap up even if the chains have just let a little loose from banjo tight.
4A. Unless the chain is flopping by hand, use the pipe to control the snap up while undoing the snap up and do not undo it ever under full load.
Good luck