Your weights on the truck look really good!!! And the fender heights are good too.
Yes, fender heights get you in the ball park, scales tall all!
The trailer being 3/4" nose down. At this point, tow with it for a while there. As you load the truck and the camper this may change a little. 3/4" down is not a disaster and is better than 3/4" nose high.
If after towing with it you find 3/4" low ends up being 1" low, then you still have 1 more bolt hole to raise the hitch head on the shank. This would put you approx 1/4" nose high.
IF and only IF, over time it stays at 3/4" low and you want to tweak, there is the 2" high rise ball OR throw 2, heavy flat washers under the ball if there are enough threads on the ball shank left. Cheaper than a new 2" ball.
You have done well!! We congratulate you! A + ! And now you know what change affects what and the stability in the rig.
Oh, the noise, with your heavy TW, yes the vase-o-line will all but about stop the noise. You will loose a very little friction holding power, but not much to the point you may never see it.
Good luck and happy camping and towing!!!