Hey David - It was worth the wait.... Nice job showing the changeover...
I suspect the thieves will still just cut the cable off where it comes out of the trailer and then you will eventually end up with not enough cable to work with when repairing the cable again.
On my IMGUR when posting in other forums that doesn't have the SIZE entry form I select the approximate size I want to display listed on the bottom of the IMGUR page... After you select the size you want (small - medium - large etc) then you can select the URL ADDRESS info of your photo and it will be in this size automatically... I use the IMGUR DIRECT LINK (EMAIL & IM) URL address that includes the '.JPG photo format' to post in the various forums...
RV NET is about the only forum I use here that has an actual FORM SIZE entry form function. ALot of the other forums use an auto built-in size function and at the top of the photo is a place to click on to display the actual size of the presented photo...
Roy Ken