I know about the determined thief and our inability to really secure anything. There was a new house under construction near us, the house was about forty feet above the stree surface and another fifty feet to the house. Plumbers had installed a 1.25" copper service. The intent was to put two meters on lot grade and disconnect the one at street level. Someone cut the pipe at the street meter and the new house meter and took the whole thing away.
My hope is that most guys won't cut a hot line. Too much damage to their tools of the trade and then they would go steal more. The time taken up getting through the lock should give the security cameras time for some good shots to be used if the thief is caught. We have had several thieves caught and prosecuted from home security systems. Even the USPS has subpoenaed HDD's from security cameras in our neighborhood.
Besides the MoHo is in storage and I got tired of Honey Do's and had about an hour of relaxation doing it.
Thanks Guys.