If you have to go down 10 feet where you are, then from what I see on Google earth, your time would be better spent by contacting a good contractor who is familiar with local conditions, and know proper protocol for your area.
Yes, get as-built drawings for the system. If it's old, then there may not be any, and you will have to will have to rely on local knowledge. Good luck with that.
Make sure that the "approved" contractors are not some fly by night outfit just looking to make a buck.
The first thing that comes to mind is that you are in a river valley, and dry land is flat, and only a few feet above the water level. If you have to dig deep, then you could have more water to deal with than you realize. Guessing that rock will not be a problem.
From 700 miles away, I would say hook on to the existing cleanout that is on the lot, and go from there. It should be relatively shallow which is good as long as you have enough difference in elevation to get from there to where you need to be. If it's above the normal frost line, though, and it will be in use for the winter, then you might have a frozen pipe to deal with. Don't know if they use insulated pipe in that area, but that could be an option. Or a layer of foam insulation over the pipe.
There are indeed more things to think about than most with no experience could ever know. Hopefully this will be simple if you can just extend from what is there.