ol Bombero-JC wrote:
And you're in California????........:R
All your "cutsie" tricks go down the tubes when the guy/s you
"dised", blaze away with his AK or Glock and leaves you in the dust.
Got his license plate? Whoopie, it's probably stolen...:S
But, but - the cops manage to catch the guy/s!!..:C
The bangers *will* eventually know who you are, where you live, and have lots of friends....."who don't care".
BTW - thanks to Gov Brown's early release program/s, the numbers
of potential perps have doubled in recent years.
Two of *MY* friends from the "other side" (one each - Probation and Parole Officer) retired early, due to the impossible work loads.
Squirt your oil, say your prayers!..:W
Geez, lighten up there Francis. My post was to demonstrate that it's better to blow off the steam in a fantasy. Besides, I live in a county here in California that is generous with CCW. I'm kinda hoping the idiots would "make my day" Dirty Harry-style. I can just imagine some gangsta punk with one hand holding his britches up, the other with his pea shooter all waving around and talking some sort of mex-can jive BS talk and an old man discreetly takes out his 44 magnum, the most power hand gun made, and, well, you know how the rest of this fantasy ends. Ah!