Jerseydevil wrote:
How do you control yourself on road? Other drivers purposely cut you off, stop short,mdon't let you merge, speed up in slow lane, don't yield, etc...almost got tire iron out on 2 morons today.
And don't say it's my driving lol...constantly at speed limit and using signals...extremely cautious driving rig.
First don't let somebody else's bad juju ruin your day.
Cut me off? all the time but I leave ample room for all to join me. Usually I laugh inside as I am perpetually stuck in the slowest lane. I like to see how long they can last. Usually they are off to irritate someone else soon enough. I also slow down extra to let more in. Take pride in being the catalyst allowing others to swap lanes.
Stop short? It is annoying and usually I have so much room it is just not a big deal. Then I take extra time to get moving again.
Merge? Usually I try to be in the correct lane way in advance. I use my blinker, wait some and slow down. Usually every third vehicle will let me in. And sometimes I just lean into the lane a bit and go slow. No one seems to like driving next to a guy that can't stay in the lane.
Speed up in the slow lane? Do you mean pass on the right to cut in? I let them all in as I creep along.
Yield? Yea I had one try to merge between my truck and trailer. PITN but their insurance paid for it all.
Go the speed limit? I am in the slowest 10 percentile. That means at least 10 go past before I pass a single vehicle.
I also try to avoid the right hand merging lane if there are 3+ lanes to choose.
Good luck.