Forum Discussion

Jerseydevil's avatar
Nov 11, 2016

Road Rage...Help

How do you control yourself on road? Other drivers purposely cut you off, stop short,mdon't let you merge, speed up in slow lane, don't yield, etc...almost got tire iron out on 2 morons today.
And don't say it's my driving lol...constantly at speed limit and using signals...extremely cautious driving rig.
  • coolmom has your answer.YOU have to be the adult. and laugh it off. good joke around the camp fires.
  • I was just reading about road rage. Seems if your parents had road rage, you will tend to have it also. I just am never in a hurry, I keep lots of space between me and the guy in front and if on a one lane road, I will pull over and let folks pass regardless if there is one or more folks behind me. (You can pretty much tell if someone wants to pass you, they are on your bumper and most likely in a hurry.)
  • I decided long ago that I control my emotions, no one else. As soon as an adverse driving situation has passed I let it go and move on.
  • The same way I control myself around other annoying things---by being a mature adult, and not throwing tantrums when things annoy me.

    If you have that much trouble driving in traffic, you need to move to a remote rural area and stay off the roads as much as possible.
  • Grin and bear it.
    It's not worth getting worked up or violent..... Oh, you wanted to get the tire iron out.
    Let us know what you drive so we can avoid you. :B

    Unfortunately idiots behind the wheel are part of the American highway system. Do the best you can to stay out of their way. I try to not let the ---holes get to me.
    Yes, it's very difficult at times.
  • I love driving an RV. In almost all cases, I'm bigger and that counts.
    First rule;
    Throw away all your rear view mirrors.
    Second rule;
    Don't use side windows.
    Third rule;
    Get the loudest horn you can, or several horns if you want plenty louder.
    Fourth rule;
    Get driving lights and mount them to shine in the guy's mirror in front of you.

    Now, when changing lanes, turn on your flasher, count to 3 and turn. You'll hear horn honks. That's a good thing. Tells you the other driver is paying attention. If anyone cuts in front of you. Lay on that horn and see if how close you can get to them. If it's dark out, turn on those flame throwers and blind the bastard!

    Carry a squeeze bottle, like what catsup comes in, filled with the last drain from your black water tank. When someone wants you to roll down the window to discuss your driving, squirt a little his way.

    Oh, and laugh. I once laughed my head off as a guy was cussing me out. He asked me why I was laughing. I said this wasn't MY RV. He finally realized that meant I didn't give a **** if it got a bump or two. Of course, he did care about his car.
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    I always have a soft drink with me and listen to blue grass music on XM radio! I don't give a rats hinney what the rest of the world is doing! I absorb my mind with song, and my belly with refreshing fluid, and dream of my camper! Of course, I don't live in New Jersey either! Been there and done that place when in the Army and no desire to ever go back to NJ. People are just insane there! Move to the mid-west. Sometimes ... every now and then ... folks still drive like they have a brain here. be fair experience was in PA and, but I am sure it's drivers everywhere.
  • It is essential that you ignore the alleged transgression and move on. Do not become part of the problem. Read the recent mailings from your insurance co. regarding your participation in road rage incidents.
    One charge of that type will get your insurance cancelled and probably render you uninsurable with anyone else. When the cops come they are going to come down on all participants.
    I am with you; We see some real sleezey bush league antics on the roads and streets today. Our population is growing so much and so rapidly that it is not going to get any better anytime soon.
  • Anyone who claims they never get PO'd when driving is full of it.
    I can pretty much roll with the punches but my favorite response is one I saw another driver use one time.
    When a driver was angrily shaking their fist at them the second driver just rubbed one of his eye's in a boo-hoo fashion. I use this from time to time and it just shuts people down. I had one lady laugh at me one time when I did it to her.
  • I always have a soft drink with me and listen to blue grass music on XM radio! I don't give a rats hinney what the rest of the world is doing! I absorb my mind with song, and my belly with refreshing fluid, and dream of my camper! Of course, I don't live in New Jersey either! Been there and done that place when in the Army and no desire to ever go back to NJ. People are just insane there! Move to the mid-west. Sometimes ... every now and then ... folks still drive like they have a brain here.