Old-Biscuit wrote:
A little over HALF of states it is illegal to drive with 'hazard lights ON'
Rules in Your State
Driving with Active Hazards Lights Prohibited
Minnesota (except to indicate a traffic hazard)
So maybe that sign is necessary after all
While this may be true, I live in Minnesota and near a very long and steep incline on the interstate, which I travel quite often. Many of the tractor/trailer rigs ROUTINELY put on their flashers as they are climbing said grade, (in the 3rd lane) because they are going slower than most of the traffic as they haul heavy loads up the grade. I find this to be a very good and effective safety warning that the truck is moving quite slow. And I have never seen anyone pulled over for doing so.
I agree that driving along the highway at speeds that are above the minimum (40-45 mph) with your flashers on doesn't make sense.