More water in it the harder it freezes. Instead of 6% butterfat the real standard for "Whole Milk" they changed t to 4% and then a tolerance so that some is only y2.5 % or was. Then the cream the deteriming factor. higher butterfat less water easier to scoop and better taste.
See how many other ingredients are on the carton other than milk cream in butter fat content and sugar and flavorings, fruit etc.
f it is anyone of the Dean Foods/National Dairies brands they all read the same. and the national Dairies are under the original brand, I have found did not mention of National Dairies. And the few other huge Food corporations. Nancy Pelosi has some several hundred dollar a gallon ice cream I bet it is good.
We have a small ice cream maker that freezes then you fill and put in the freezer. It turns out pretty good ice cream if you put in good ingredients. The only way is o start from scratch and churn it your self with good ingredients. Even the cream today some cotains other ingredients. We lost Kays, then best and then Mayfields and Happy Valley before them and the famous brands of our youth and the small dairies all legislated and bought out of business by the giants.
They see a quality bradn they buy it don't tell you continue the label and put in junk their quality control and tasters say it is good enough to fool you, think you won't notice and increase their profitability and some continue to consume it and wonder why the bellyache and uit ice cream altogether, until they find the next good brand if they can unti littoo is bought out.