buy different flavors.
Ice Cream comes into different flavors (you knew that of course)
but what you may not know is SOME of those flavors are Hard and some are not.
(Those are not the proper terms)
Some flavors.. Off hand I think Vanilla is one, (Not sure) the colder the harder, So you keep 'em a bit above zero for ease in serving.
others you can take 'em to 5 or 10 below that they are still easy to dish out.
(Below zero is "Deep Freeze" As I said I do not know for sure which flavors are which and my "Source" (Jack Harkness. AKA Henry of Henry's Ice Cream, Battle Creek, MI.) Long ago retired and the store closed down.
You might check with the manager at a Basakin Robbins' to see if he has a list of hard and soft flavors.
May have to do with the amount of anti-freeze (Also known as Sugar) they put in the mix.. But Jack is the expert.. NOT ME.