mpierce wrote:
I had a 1964 airstream. Was polished up. NEVER had an issue. The rule is there so that if a "trampmobile" pulls in, they have a way to tell them NO.
Every go into a restaurant, (Usually this will be a family style but not always) and see a sign:
The management reserves the right
to refuse service to anyone
without giving a reason.
Or words to that effect...
So long as the management refuses on a individual bases as opposed to say NO BLONDS ALLOWED" he is protected. If a tramp-mobile pulls in, Management has the right to say "Sorry, we have no room even though the park is less than 10% occupied.
But by saying "No rigs over 10 years" I am not sure they have that right,, Does not matter because as I already posted.. If they have so much business they have to turn 11+ year old rigs away. They clearly do not need my business, and likely charge too much for parking.