westend wrote:
Photo of your antenna? Where/how is it mounted and how well does it work?
The antenna is mounted on a 6' aluminum mast and fits into the stock mast holder that came with the travel trailer. I also have an FM dipole, made from copper pipe, that is held by those spring-style rake holders sold at the harware store.
I like it! :) Interesting design. Also an electronics geek here - going back to late 60s and the vacuum tube era, including antenna stuff. Even took radio wave propagation in college but remember zip (pretty dry & boring stuff).
This is a Channel Master bowtie antenna I just got. Only 20x36" so easy to put in the truck. Will partially collapse too. It looks similar to yours but doesn't have the ends of the angled elements connected together. Will get to try it at a CG this weekend. Will mount it on some 1" EMT conduit for now and see how it compares to the stock Winegard antenna. Will be travelling through WA, OR, ID and MT this summer and am hoping it will pull in more channels than the Winegard in the various CGs we'll be at.
One nice thing about the bowtie style antennas is that they aren't as directional as the yagi types. Haven't delved into the science of how the bowtie antennas work but if it works better than a Winegard, I'll be happy. Now, if I could just figure out how to stash a deep fringe yagi antenna with a 10' boom in the back of the truck...