pnichols wrote:
What I would like to see is some minimum-liability-way for private owners of land to open it up for short-stay RV drycamping at, say, $10 per night for up to 3 nights.
We need safe and quiet drycamping spots to quickly squat for a day or two within a few miles of major routes and don't really need or care for over-nighting in over-crowded $$$ FHU commercial campgrounds. We also don't care to drive miles into the countryside in the afternoon of a tiring day of travel in order to try and find a public land drycamping spot for only one night - as beautiful and inexpensive as they may be.....
.....I guess the above is what safe and legal-to-do Rest Stops could provide - if safe ones weren't so rare and if they were along more state highways instead of primarily along only the Interstates.
Sadly here around and in the midwest area they are simply closing rest areas. When I headed out full time I was shocked that all my favorite rest areas were closed and basically I ran across the same thing heading south along the interstates.
If the rest areas are not closed you can make bet that they have closed the dump stations. wisconsin has practically closed all the dump stations.
Here is an answer to your needs and wants!I broke down late at night, ERS got it semi repaired enough to move her off the intersate, so the state police escorted me to a place I could park for the night. I just followed them.
Low and behold it was a Fairgrounds!!
I pulled in and made my way to the back following signs and when I rounded the corner there were about 4 DP MH's one of which was a Prevost, parked with hookups at a Fairgound!!
I took a spot, hooked up, and then inquired where to pay?
I was directed to a small little shack and paid the attendant a whopping $8 bucks for the night with electric!
I have since added Fairgrounds as my first choice for CG's while traveling. Almost every little town has a local Fairgrounds.
And each state has a State Fairgrounds. They all have a CG for RV's.
They are nice and quiet with electric and sometimes water.
IMHO the best kept secret, so shhh don't tell anyone!
There is always a couple of dump stations at all fairgrounds. You just have to look for them. They are usually along side the big arenas where they show livestock. And there is no charge to use them.
Note: You do have to check and make sure their County Fair is 'not' going on. The CG area will be filled up 100% to the hilt with exhibitors no room for us RV'ers.
My favorite is the Des Moines State Fairgrounds. I had a full hook up 1,200 campsite CG 'all to myself' sitting high on top of a hill overlooking Des Moines. It was so relaxing I ended up staying there for a week!! :C

My toad enjoying the view!