May I recommend an App for your Android (and possibly IOS) device SimplyE
You create a profile (At the library of New York) you are supposed to need a Library card but. It did not ask me (I have 2 or 3 such cards)
Also if you like science fiction Or google baen free library.
Also if you have the kindle app. they have a ton of free books.. A couple summers ago my Internet time was not as great as it is now and I was going through a Cozy Mystery a day.. (Yup I do not so much ead books as Devoure them :) )
I've done a lot of reading in my day.. Used to return paper back books to the library by the boxfull.. you buy the books, Read 'em Box 'em add a pre-addressed post card and it comes back with a count.. Mine was usually 99.
I vauled them at a buck a used book for tax donation purposes (Likely undervalued) I'd do this at least once a year.