There is a "balance" that has to happen with a septic tank that has to be maintained. Here's the balance:
The tank has to be big enough and the leaching lines have to be long enough to accommodate the number of people using it.
In order to keep the tank "healthy" it has to have the right balance of water intake, plus an intake for emzines to continue eating, or digesting, otherwise, they run out of food and die. Once dead, then the septic tank has to be started over.
On the other hand, if too much is added to the tank too fast, the emzines (digestion) doesn't happen fast enough. Things don't break down, and next thing you know, your leaching lines get clogged up.
My mother has lived in the same house for the last 72 years, same septic tank, but 2 leaching fields, because the original leaching field crossed over into a couple acres of ground that was sold so she had to have new lines put in on the existing immediate property.
The only thing my mother has ever done to her septic tank is to squish up rotten tomatoes and tomato parts and flush them down the toilet. She claims, the tomatoes create the necessary emzines to keep the tank functioning. I was born into that house, and she's still living there. The septic tank was pumped only 1 time in 75 years, that was when a tree root grew into the line and it had to be opened up.
If you are using the septic tank only once a month, you will not have to worry about anything for years and years and year! It will take years just to fill up the tank before anything even reaches the top to begin leaching. Just flush an occasional tomato down the tubes!
(myself... at home... I use Rid-X about 4 times a year). Never had a problem with my system).