The ubiquitous mud hole. Where we go frequently to wife's Relatives area the nice grass RV park has mud holes at all the sites. They put out mats and stay for ever.
We have put out a mat, weight a ton, and take a while to clwan and put uo, in defense from the mud with campground approval.
If it is grass we try to be gentle with it. If there is some grass or we can adjust our position on the site to have grass instead we do. We've got a nice thick entry mat, for want of better description, or grate and we put a mat on top of that. Eventaully I will get around to a foldable wood grate step or entry large enough to put our shoes and support a breahable mat on top. If they say ok I will water the grass around the coach, when I have time, when we are going to be there a while. They like green grass too. Mat gos under the coach and entry grate or mat up when we are gone for the day.