Forum Discussion

Hornnumb2's avatar
Jan 29, 2015

RV show prices

Our local show is next week, are the prices at shows really to good to pass up. I really wanted to get mine sold first before I jump into another. I see people saying take 30% off msrp but the prices I am getting is way far from that. Thanks Michael
  • We had seen the model we wanted at a dealer about a month before a large RV Show. At the show we shopped two different dealers for the same model and got quotes from both. We called the original dealer (they weren't at the show) and told them what the show dealer quotes were. The original dealer offered the unit for $2000 less than the lowest show price offer. We left the show and went over to the dealer and closed the deal.

    By the way, that was over 20 years ago and all of the phone negotiations were done over one of the original brick type mobile phones. First time it was worth having.
  • An RV show is the last place I'd buy one unless I knew exactly what the going price should be on a specific unit. As an example of what you'll see at an RV show is what happened to the wife and I a couple years ago. We were inside a TT and while I was opening drawers in the kitchen I found a flyer in one that had a sale price lower than the RV show sale price. They had the MSRP jacked up so it looked like the higher sale price was a good price.

    When I go shopping for an RV I want to spend time thoroughly looking it over. I can't do that with other people in it. It seems like most trailers are full and you have to wait for someone else to leave so you can go in. Hard to discuss things with 3-4 other people wandering thru while you are checking it out.

    JMO but RV shows are only good for looking at multiple brands all in one spot as opposed to driving all over town.
  • If you just accept their best offer you will not get a 30% off. You have to make your best offer and walk. You need to find a hungary dealer that needs the sale.
  • The conventional wisdom seems to be that you can usually get the "show price" (or better) just about anytime. They aren't giving RVs away, they are making money on the show price, and as others have noted, MSRP is a flexible concept in the RV world, more so than for cars. From my own limited experience (one-time RV purchase), the end of the model year was a good time to purchase. In many areas it coincides with the end of the camping season, too, and dealers may have inventory they don't want to hang on to all winter.
  • There are many late models used units out there and all it takes is a bit of research to find them.
  • Michael - Don't think you'll get 30% off of MSRP, unless it an old model, the dealer has jacked up the MSRP with a lot of add-ons (high profit items), or they can't afford to take it back to the dealership from the show. I think you'll be doing good getting a 15% discount on current popular models at a show. Guess you can try to get a bigger discount, but if the dealer isn't hungry you'll probably not fare well. Usually the cost of displaying at a show costs the dealer big bucks, so they don't have too much negotiating room. Don't let impulse govern your desires, just go to the show and get to know with whom you can probably do the best and let them come to you after show is over and you've had time to think it over. Maybe look at one/two year old used units that are on consignment, you'll save the big depreciation that happens when you drive off the lot with a new one!