You are just as capable as any other person regardless of the organs between your legs. Don't be afraid to learn, break out of your comfort zone, familiarize yourself with youtube and google and just about any issue can be solved.
I told my mother in law after she lost her husband that the day she decides she can't do something she wants to do because she is alone is the first day she starts to die. She drove to Canada every year for 40 years and now she wants to stay home because she is afraid. Get off your rear end, pack the car and GTFO of here. She went, was happy she did. If she had stayed home that would of been the end of her trips and every day she would of died a little more on the inside.
There is no reason to limit yourself, do your homework, know your routes, take your time and be aware of your surroundings. Believe it or not we actually live in a very safe country. Violent crime is way down over the decades and so long as you avoid stopping in the middle of the ghettos and decide to walk around at 3am you're going to be just fine.
Don't live your life in fear, just go and live your life. You are just as capable as any other healthy person out there. Travel and enjoy your life while you can.