I thank the moderator for allowing this thread to continue as this topic is a valid concern to many RVers. Weather or not you are pro or anti on the issue of firearms is not the point here. I also carry and have my permit from TN so I advise you to look into getting your carry permit to be legal in most states should you choose to get a firearm. Please please please get the training to handle it confidently and safely. Research the state laws you plan to be visiting on every trip, every time, as things are changing fairly quickly in this realm. Be careful listening to advice like " your RV is same as your home". Go ahead and do that in Jersey and you will be in jail. Handgunlaw.us is a good site to look at. No one else's opinion matters when it comes to you and your family's safety as its totally up to you how you wish to accomplish that goal. Staying in a Walmart parking lot over night you never know what you may be exposed to, even in interstate rest areas, nothing is totally safe. Just because it may be rare instances, the one time you are picked to be the next victim you will thank yourself for taking on the responsibility of your own defense. When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away. Too many meth heads and low lives out there for me to take that kind of chance. Be safe in what ever choice you make.