When we were young and starting out, our friends had their first child. At about 3 or 4 years old the kid reached up to a kitchen counter top and pulled a large knife off the counter. It stabbed her in the eye. Irresponsible people are irresponsible people.
The people who think gun owners are paranoid should give up all their insurance and put a sign on their homes and RV's stating "NO GUNS IN THIS RESIDENCE". They fail to realize that the gun owners and especially the permit holders are the ones who are helping to keep the bad guys under control. Remove every gun and see what the crooks will do. With our biased media you dont hear of how many times a gun is simply revealed and stops a crime that's about to happen.
Go back many years and research what was happening in Florida and how many people were being robbed and killed. Older people are considered easier prey. They were especially preying on people in rental cars because they figured they flew into FL and wouldn't have a gun in the car. One of the more notable cases involved a German couple who were carjacked and killed. Florida wised up and issued permits as they should and there was a big drop in crimes.
All people are not nice. People all through history are not nice no matter how hard you wish or hope for it. If you dont like guns just be quiet and enjoy the overall better situation and balance that responsible gun owners are providing for you. You are bombarded by the media and others who dont want us to own guns with negative gun stories and not the positive side. Start thinking for yourself instead of listening to the talking heads who parrot what their media masters say.
Even if you dont want to carry, go to the required class and obtain a permit. It's another vote telling the bad guys that there are a lot of armed people out there. You will also be able to have more intelligent conversations.