Forum Discussion

dcmac214's avatar
Jan 12, 2017

Shelf Life of Butane Lighters? ("Prepper" Question?)

(Assuming a butane lighter would be "best")
What brand & model lighter will retain virtually all its fuel and stay immediately-useable for years & years?

About 5-6 years ago, no longer able to get what I consider decent strike-anywhere kitchen matches, I got a couple of Bic butane lighters for the trailer. Doing my occasional winter check for signs of vermin I happened to look at the lighter on the stove (essentially new, maybe used 10-12 times) and saw that it was less than half full. So I dug out the other (still-in-package) lighter and it also had lost at least half its fuel.

What's the "Prepper" answer for a lighter or matches (not just a spark-maker)?