Falcon35 wrote:
If you have a motorized rv and you join FMCA it is included with your membership. As Canadians we will not go to the USA With out out of province medical insurance and those plans seem to have that coverage. I'm still glad to have the FMCA coverage for when we travel in Canada.
FMCA ASSIST HAS SO MANY GOTCHA's it is almost impossible to use.
For example in order to be evacuated;
The plan will pay covered expenses incurred if any covered injury or illness that commences during the period of coverage results in the medically necessary emergency medical evacuation or repatriation (i.e., the member’s medical condition warrants immediate transportation from the medical facility where he or she is located to the nearest medical facility that is capable of furnishing the required level and type of care for the applicable illness or injury as determined by the attending physician in consultation with the Seven Corners medical director).
So no evacuation home!
Need your rig returned home?
Then you must follow this rule;
Should the member, due to a medical condition, be unable to drive his/her vehicle back to his/her permanent primary residence within the United States, Mexico, or Canada, Seven Corners will arrange and pay to have a designated service return the vehicle to the member’s home, provided:
a) The member has been transported under either the “emergency medical evacuation/repatriation” or “return of mortal remains” benefits; and
b) no one in the member’s traveling party is capable of driving, or proficient and competent to drive, the member’s vehicle. The vehicle must be in good condition and capable of being safely driven on the highway in compliance with local laws.
The insurance plan will also cover the return of any additional vehicle that is legally hitched to their vehicle at the time of the “emergency medical evacuation/repatriation” or “return of mortal remains” to the destination of the pulling vehicle.
Look at A if you are not evacuated then no help getting your rig home. Imagine a heart Attack and the hospital releases you after treatment. You are entitled to nothing. Get your own **** rig home.
SkyMed the only one with no gotcha's