I have a 75W panel and a basic solar controller, and I'm glad I bought it. It has worked great for me. I don't like to be bound to CGs with hookups when there are so many nice, less crowded, out-of-the-way places to camp. 75 watts kept my battery topped up pretty well. Cost was less than $150 for everything about 4 years ago (and it's a little cheaper now). I ran the furnace once in the morning to take out the chill, and the rest was LED lights, some fan use, occasional water pump, and the usual parasitic draws. One group 24 battery. Camping alone. I'd set out the panel, connect a couple of plugs so the power ran in through the 7-pin pigtail, and occasionally move the panel to keep it out of shade. Very easy.
Your power needs may be different. But before buying a different RV, why not buy a 100W panel or two, a cheap controller, and some wire? You don't even have to mount the panels; just keep them portable if you like. Or if you prefer (and have room up top), mount them with either metal brackets or VHB tape. You might want to add one more battery if there's room, too. It would be inexpensive and easy to experiment with solar and find out what it can do for you.