At the cabin, I heat with wood. 30 miles from the nearest road on an ATV trail. The trick I've found is to: a) cut down a tree (typically birch or spruce) in winter so it can be drug to the cabin by the snow-go; b) strip the tree at the time of cutting (run the chainsaw down it to peel a strip clean) so that it can begin to dry/season; c) buck the wood into no more than 12" long rounds; d) anything over 8 - 10" in diameter, use the slab technique as mentioned above; e) for everything else, a 2-man operation is preferable: 1 person with a monster maul, the other to set the rounds on the chopping block and/or to have a regular splitting maul as backup.
All goes easily at -20 or so and has worked at the cabin since 1972.