Vulcaneer wrote:
wa8yxm wrote:
but oh, 50 years ago growing up on the farm I worked the loft during bailing season, Tossing 80 pound bales over my head to my partner who stacked them.
In triple digit heat with 100% humidity.
(Scares me to even think of that kind of thing today)
Ohhhh! Does that bring back memories. We used to hoist them on a pitch fork, up over the head, with pitchfork vertical. More like 60 pound bales, but maybe more. Fresh cut hay is heavy. After each load about 60 to 80 bales, back onto the wagons and go back to the field to load them up again. And to load up the fourth tier on the trailers and wagons, we used the pitch forks again. Just real hard work. But you needed to clear the field before the rains (100% humidity) came. Got three or four cuttings a year. Through June thru September.
But the impressive thing is....My 60 year old grandfather would do it to. Right along with us. No way could I do that when I was 60.
Yup, I remember that too. Had a old classmate put on facebook the other day that he missies bailing hay. I said, "HECK NO" It sucked.