Slide them through the cam and hanger and move them sideways a bit, like they will twist when turning. If there is almost no clearance, I would be very careful using them with the old DC cams.
Reese (Draw-Tite) have produced 3 versions of the DC cams, I believe.
To Tucquala's point,
Yes, the flare at the forged bend of the V can bind between the cam and the chain plate.
This is the area he is referring to

I had a small level of this on my 2004 bars. Not as bad as some of the newer ones but enough I ground off the swelled part and the issue eliminated itself.
The problem on the standard DC was even worse with the newer bars as the saddle arm was even tighter then the HP DC. These pics work, but barely. Any wider on the bar and it would of had bind up

You can see the 2 wear spots. the fatter the swell this wear spot is worse

And yes, there is 3 vintages/upgrades/changes of the HP DC. The older gold ~ 2002 to 2009 vintage. The 2010 redesign, now silver. Then there was chain plate changes between angled plate and now back to straight.
And in the ~ 2013/2014 time, the mounting frame plate area was changed trying to fix some of the 2010 redesign mounting problems with the inside bend radius to fit up to the tube A frames.
Product development continues...
Trying to make a hitch fit every trailer A frame from every manufacture is a tall order. That and changing the manufacturing equipment/location.