Have towed a 97 4x4 Suzuki sidekick with manual transmission and now have the 08 4x4 Vitara with the automatic, you have to have the transfer case that has the neutral setting in order to tow 4 down. It tows great as long as ya don't ground out a wire like I did. I looked at tow guide before I purchased the vehicle and it said it could be towed. I bought a tow dolly only to find I could not use it, the vehicle MUST be towed 4 down. Fortunately, the dealer who said the dolly would work was helping hook up the vehicle to the dolly only to find out it could not be done. They had not run paper work yet so refunded my $$. I bought a brake system and they installed it along with the Stowmaster tow bar I had used on the 97. Of course I had to buy new frame hardware.
The tow guide said I could tow it, just not exactly how (or I missed it) Thinking of buying a Toad? Bring up the owners manual on the web and read it carefully prior to purchase.
Not only is having some fuses along a good idea, but having a volt-ohm meter to find the short is essential. If you blew a fuse, it indicates a dead short, If ya don't fix that issue first you are just gonna waste a fuse. You can pick up a volt-ohm meter dirt cheap at Harbor Freight. Just make sure your readin glasses are clean, the numbers on it are darned small :R