Whatever you do, drive the speed you are most comfortable with and do not let anyone behind you intimidate you. If you are in the far right lane, no intention of moving to the left, you really don't even need to look in your mirrors. Just keep driving and let them eventually pass you. Drive peacefully and enjoy the ride! When towing my trailer, as long as I am above the "minimum" speed limit, I don't care what's going on behind me. I usually tow at 60-65 if on an interstate, but very seldom any faster. I sometimes have someone riding my bumper, but I simply ignore them. On 2 lane roads, depending on the road, I try to run the speed limit, whatever that is. I've heard too many stories about small town speed traps, so I'm not speeding on unknown roads. I don't care whose behind me riding my bumper.
Drive safe, stay to the right and just ignore everyone. As you said, they have ample opportunity to pass. If they don't pass, they must enjoy following you.