bid_time wrote:
valhalla360 wrote:
Lantley wrote:
What we don't want is death.
So far the "solution" does nothing to stop death. At best we are delaying it for a short time.
A vaccine is likely 2yrs out...if we wait that long, the world economy won't be coming back...if we open up, cases will go back up.
Sweden is taking a logical approach. Asking elderly and at-risk groups to isolate but the young and healthy, who have little risk, can go about their lives. Yes, there will be more cases initially but as the population develops immunity, the epidemic ends.
We should be opening up low risk work as soon as possible to minimize the impact to the economy while protecting the vulnerable.
Realistically we will hit a point where people will simply ignore the govt rules if they are unreasonable. A fundamental concept of law is it requires the vast majority to abide by it voluntarily...the mood is fast shifting as they aren't coming up with a long term solution.
Exactly, that seems to be the point most people miss; and bears repeating. Sheltering in place does not stop the disease (remember rounding the curve), just delays it. A vaccine may mitigate it, but it won't be around for 2 years; if at all. Unemployment is real, there is no rounding of that curve.
Yes, you're correct, social distancing and sheltering in place just delays the virus. However, one of the huge benefits of this approach (in addition to saving thousands of lives) is to prevent our emergency rooms from being brutally and lethally overwhelmed with patients.
Are we as a society really prepared to trade the dignified treatment of many, many thousands of our sick and dying for a quick, economic recovery?
I hope not.