dodge guy wrote:
If things start opening May 1st the economy will recover slowly. If we stay closed for 2 more months (like some want us to do) the. Things will go bad quick. The economy can barely handle the 4 weeks we have now. Another 8 will kill it off quickly.
We need to get back to operation fast. We will survive this as has been proven time and again in the past couple months. Some people just aren’t being reasonable or using common sense when they start talking about keeping things closed for a couple more months or more. There are a few states that are already planning on going bankrupt!
My take in it! You have to explain it to people like you would a child, and this is not easy to do but it needs to be said.
“People get sick and sometimes people die”
this is nature and no amount of closing businesses is going to stop it. The virus will spread until “it”decides to stop spreading! If humans think they can control nature they are wrong and there is plenty of history that proves that! Yes we can slow it, but that all we are doing is prolonging the inevitable. It will run its course and will stop and we will have a vaccine by this time next year. And even then with a. Vaccine people will still die from it!
The economy will come back it always has. It has never been artificially shut down like this before. To think it will slowly restart with all the penned up demand is misguided.
While there is plenty of financial hardship to go around not everyone is being harmed. Many are just waiting it out.
What we don't want is death. No one has come back from death except one person and he could walk on water. The rest remained dead.
We need to accept that while maybe there could have been better preparation this pandemic is bigger than mankind. It is a huge NATURAL disaster that is going to cause havoc on all of us.
Our focus needs to be to keep this virus from taking lives.
Instead we are worried about things like. "When can I camp again",or "We are leaving debt for my grandchildren".
Money and camping dates can be replaced lives cannot.
I agree many will die. WE can't protect everybody but we can protect as many as possible.
But if your feeling lucky lets force the economy open based on a comfort date like May 1st. Sounds good nice and comfortable.
But if adequate testing is not available we will just create a bigger mess and shut down all over again