Cummins12V98 wrote:
schlep1967 wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out how so many people will be destitute after this. Unemployment will pay many more than they are making now. They will get the state's unemployment amount plus $600 federal money. And they will sit at home and smile instead of taking one of the many jobs available right now. Heck, why take a pay cut to go to work?
Yes, I understand the small business OWNERS can't collect unemployment. The Government is working on that.
As for the RV Industry, the current inventory is in place and not dwindling. And nobody is currently making new units. So when parts of the country start opening up the inventory will start reducing. If the RV manufacturers are smart they will hold off on opening up their factories until the old inventory starts to drop. Then they will have a surge of orders to get them through the winter.
I am ahead in savings since this all happened. Retirement is the same, Social security is the same, I am spending WAYYYYY less money without going anywhere except for food and Prescriptions they still cost the same.
Its amazing just how much money you can save by staying in and doing nothing...
even online shopping is cheaper.. Think about it, MOST go into a store and window shop, they usually come out with much more than they actually need. And eating in everynight has shown just how much we can spend just in dining....
We are chomping at the bit to get on with our lives...
I am sure that if done properly , there is no reason we can not phase back to normalcy starting sooner than later, s long as we do it smartly. We will spring back faster than most think....