westernrvparkowner wrote:
otrfun wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
"China locked down their country hard for approx. 2-3 months. How this lockdown affected their economy remains to be seen. But, one thing's for sure, China's Covid-19 stats are in stark contrast to those in the US. The Covid-19 death rate in the US (as of yesterday) is approx. 30 times higher per capita than China. China is clearly on the downside of their "curve", while the US is still trying to flatten it. Our death rate will continue to get even worse, while China's (barring further outbreaks) will only get better. Very sobering contrast."
You REALLY believe aNYTHING Communist China is claiming???????
MSNBC, right???
No, I don't. However, there's enough evidence from reputable 3rd party sources in China (not MSNBC) to make me believe these numbers are relatively accurate. If you have any hard evidence to the contrary, please feel free to substantiate.
Bottom line, social distancing and sheltering-in place saves lives. Whether these lives saved are worth the economic impact to our country is certainly open to debate. Got to ask: How do you place a specific dollar value on a human life?
The fact is there will no time when it will be certain no people will die of COVID19. A virus with a proven vaccine in use of decades killed 140,000 in 2018. That virus was measles. Despite being the first virus with a vaccine, there are still scattered cases of wild polio in the world. People still die from AIDS, and it has been the subject of intensive research for a generation. The only virus that has been considered eradicated out of existence is Smallpox. We are going to have to live with COVID19 and probably several mutated variations for many years to come. A world where economies are functioning well will be better suited to meet the challenges of future outbreaks than a world in depression where providing the basic essentials of life such as food and shelter takes all of the available resources. It isn't as simple as shelter in place for X number of days and everything will be hunky dory.
No, social distancing and shelter-in-place won't make things "hunk dory" in a big picture sense, but it can absolutely save a lot of lives right now, today. There is no debating this fact. The debate here is whether it's worth the economic impact to our country to save these lives through social distancing and sheltering-in-place for X amount of time. Very hard to have a convincing position on this question without specifically addressing the value of both sides of this equation.